Wednesday, January 20, 2010

First Day of School September 2009

Summer is over, time to go back to the daily grind. An exciting new adventure for all 3 boys. Jacob started 6th grade at Mesa Verde Middle School. 6 different classes and teachers. I was very nervous for him, I like that they keep the 6th graders seperate from the 7-8th graders. He really enjoys middle school and is doing well. He got 2 A'S and 4 B's on his reprot card!Ben started kindergarden at Campus Canyon Elementary, his teacher is Mrs. Fisher and she is great. It is a K/1st combo class and I worried Ben would fall behind. He is doing so good, he is reading and writing and behaving well! I am so proud of him

Lucas started preschool at Mountain Meadows. He goes 3 days a week from 12-3. I work in the class 2x a month. As you can see in the picture below Lucas was jealous he wanted to go to kindergarden too! He's at the desk crying behind Ben. So I had to bite the bullet and pay for preschool, luckily this preschool is very affordable and Steve has been doing really well at work.It has been crazy running around between 3 schools at 3 different times. I'm so grateful to be in a carpool for Mesa and our neighbors and friends the Omer's take Ben to school in the morning and then I pick up. It's not so bad and it's only 1 year and the perk is I get 2 hours by meself 3 days a week! Next year Ben and Lucas will be at C.C. all day and I'll have lots of quality bonding time with my daughter!


Helen said...

Aw, that picture of the mom in the background hugging her crying son. So sad!

Mom said...

Yes it is very hectic,as I can atist to. Because of the week that I watched them while you and Steve went on your cruise. Thank you for your day by day instruction notes, without them I would have been lost, as to who is to be where at what time etc.

Nicole said...

Very cute! It didn't seem real that Jacob was in Jr. High. Of course, I felt that way the year before when it was Darren! Our boys are sure growing up fast! Good thing for little girls to polish it off!