Wednesday, February 13, 2008

No more pictures.

So I am totally bummed. There will not be any more pictures on my blog unless someone has a camera and emails me the photos. It is my own fault, I have no one else to blame except for the loser that stole my digital camera out of my car! I never lock my car. I hate my car and wish someone would steal it! I usually don't have anything of value in it besides carseats, tennis rackets, and sweaters. I took my camera to the park the other day to take some pictures of the kids with the dog and forgot it in my glove compartment. Of coarse the one time I left something of value in there it gets robbed. It could have been so much worse. The dog jumped out of the car and started barking at this kid as I was unloading everyone so I went after him and left my keys and my wallet in the backseat! Lucky for me they just went through the center console and glove compartment. Can you believe they still robbed me even though there were scriptures sitting right there in the front passenger seat? Some people have no conscience.
How awesome is my husband? I felt so bad, it's his camera, he didn't even get mad at me! He had every right too, I would've been annoyed! He didn't want to make me feel worse and what good would yelling at me or lecturing me be? He is so wonderful and easy going. I never worry about him yelling at me or treating me badly. He doesn't care about "stuff" he just wants me to be happy. Too bad "stuff" makes me happy!


Anonymous said...

It sucks to have anything stolen. I didn't think I ever carried anything of value in my car either, until it was stolen. It stunk having to get new carseats, purse, etc. By the time the car was found, they had cleaned out EVERYTHING including Charlie's set of scriptures I had bought him when we got married. It's just stuff, but it still stinks!
Sorry about the camera.

Cari said...

we are so alike! here in memphis though I've had to learn not to leave things in the car, people will rob you while at the grocery store, even if you've only spent 15 min in there! crazy! I'm sorry.

rebecca said...

Oh Nikki! That stinks! So sorry.

Tiffany -- the mommy said...

That really stinks!!! I am sorry. Glad Steve was great! you'll get a new one soon.miss ya

joyous said...

Bummer Bummer Bummer!!! I feel your pain with no camera too. I pretty much hate mean people. :(

Mom said...

I'm sorry honey, This to will pass, please tell me you have learned from this, because this has happened before as I recall, sorry to say there are people in this world with no scrupals. Happy Valentines Day to all of you!

Nicole said...

Bummer Nikki! I hate that feeling of invasion of privacy! That's just so wrong! What a great guy Steve is. It's good you can remember to count your blessings at a tough time like that.

Melissa C. said...

Sorry to hear about the camera. It is crazy how mean people can be. I'm glad Steve was nice about it, though.

Amy said...

I'm sorry about your camera. That realy stinks.

Helen said...

That sucks Nikki! "stuff" makes me happy too. You can borrow my camera anytime you would like.

Kate said...

Oh, so sorry to hear about your camera Nikki! I hate that violated feeling when someone steals from you. I will certainly miss seeing your photos! Steve is awesome to be so tender hearted and understanding. Mark is always like that and it melts me. You know me, I'm always taking shots of your fam with we're together, so I'll just keep passing them along to you.


Total bummer! It is happening everywhere around here! Two neighbors down my street had their cars broken into last week. It was in the Acorn newspaper. They caught the guy! Maybe you will be so lucky. My friend was just here visiting LA for the holiday weekend and had her car broken into. They took her Nikon, 2 lenses and her husband's laptop. Crazy! I will just look poor driving around my beater car. No one will bother! So Sorry!