I love this girl, Shawna she is my most hard core friend. I would have been so lonely through out my training and at the start of the race if it wasn't for this girl. I've talked her ears off and "copped a squat" so many times around her and she still loves me! We stayed together until mile 13 and met up at the finish, I think her time was 5:10 ish. This gal works full time, exercise instructor part time, has a social life and still managed to train for a marathon....she's awesome! Thank you Shawna for sharing this experience with me and being my friend. We drove home together stinky and sore. When I got home I had a sweet surprise.........
Ruthann watched the boys and helped them make posters and signs and hung them on the garage and in the widows. My favorite was in the front window" Our mom ran the L.A. Marathon today!" All my neighbors kept congratulating me which was kinda cool!
My boys were so impressed with my medal. Ruthann got me a really cool box to mount on the wall to hang my medal, bib, and race photos in! Then we partied up at the Fenske's, yummy food, Iwasn't all that hungry but my knees were in alot of pain.I iced them the whole day every time I would sit or stand for a long period of time they would stiffen up. I taught a spin class the next day and my class thought I was crazy but you wouldn't believe how good it felt to get my muscles warm, I kept the resistence low. It took me about 2 weeks to fully recover and feel normal again. One thing would stop hurting and then I would realize another new pain/soreness!
I ran 2 straight miles for the first time yesterday, I think I'm going to do a 10K on the 4th of July. I love to run! I used to run to be thin, not anymore f.y.i. you would think you would lose weight training for a marathon not me I gained 5 lbs! Mostly muscle my claves got gynormous and my quadsjust call me quadzilla! So I'm focusing now on losing muscle and getting lean! Always gotta have a goal!
Nikki you are so amazing. I am so proud of you for running that marathon.
What are you going to do to lose muscle and get lean? Are you not lifting weights then?! I should come to you for all my workout questions, you look fabulous.
Congrats Nikki! You are amazing. What's your secret for looking so sexy after running a marathon?!?!?
You are AMAZING! Great job. Now for your next trick . . .
OK...you are awesome. Steve must be seriously attracted to his marathon running wife...We live in upstate New York...Lake George to be exact. Come visit us anytime.
I't was a great day and I was so happy that I could share it with all of you.
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