Thursday, February 5, 2009

Student of the Month!

Fifth grade has been a challenge for Jacob. He doesn't pay attention in class therefore he misses instructions and it's been affecting his grades. His teacher is awesome and really cares about Jacob. He got him into the afterschool homework/tutoring program which was a huge blessing for me because Mon thru Thur. I dreaded homework time. Jacob and I now have nice conversations after school instead of annoying fights over homework. I got a call from Mr. Keatts and my first reaction was now what...he's had behavior problems. I was pleasantly surprised to find out he choose Jacob as the student of the month because of his improvements and he was calling to invite me to the award assembly. This is when I am grateful I don't have a job and of coarse I would be there. I was so proud. I cried of coarse. I love my little "doots". I am so proud of his hard work and efforts to improve! I of all people know how hard it is to pay attention and not talk when it's not the appropriate time. I also know how important school is and this is the point in his life when he is either going to fall further and further behind and eventually give up and hate school or work a little harder, be successful and hopefully excell like I know he is capable of doing.

I am also very proud of Ben and Lucas who sat through the assembly, it wasn't short and Jacob was the last person to go up, they were very well behaved and they cheered real loud for their big brother which was cute.


Davis' said...

Way to go Jacob! Awesome job!!

Tara Brooks said...

Don't be too hard on him. 5th grade is hard. They make it tough on the kids so going to Junior High won't be such a shocker. But the toughness is the shocker.
Resa struggled badly in 5th grade and is now in middle school and doing really well (only one C, the rest B's and A's). It all works out.

Becky M said...

Congratulations Jacob!! Glad all of the hard work is paying off for such a great kid!

rebecca said...

Yeah, great job Jacob!

Mom said...

I am so proud of you Jacob! You go honey. The funny thing is Jonathon just got student of the month also, so you both got it the same month.

MaryAnn said...

Hoooray for Jacob!

Nicole said...

Good job Jacob! And good for you Nikki for encouraging him to reach his potential!