Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

So this year we hosted Thanksgiving at our house. My mom and Marty, Ruthann and Gary, and Chris and Maryann with baby Sarah all attended. I have to admit I had a little help with the turkey, I ordered a precooked one from Albertson's but I have to say I basted that baby every 30 min and it was juicy! All in all a great day! Since dinner was at our house I wanted to start a little tradition of our own. We made a 'thankful tree' and I have to give props to my mom because she made the whole thing happen. While I was cooking,Steve and Marty were at the park with the kids,mom traced and cut out all the leaves and tied them with string. We talked and had some nice mother daughter time. It was a nice peaceful moment, that is rare especially in my house. So everyone had to write something they were thankful for this year and we read them out loud, it was also a very cute centerpiece! I enjoyed cooking and am really proud of myself! Miss you Heather wish you were close by! Hope you all had a great holiday, the food is nice but family and love are what makes the day so special and one to remember!


Tiffany -- the mommy said...

I wish that we could have been there too it looks like fun. We had thanksgiving here too. It was crazy. I forgot that Maryann had a baby. Tell her congrats.Miss you

MaryAnn said...

Thanksgiving was soo yum! You were agreat hostess and I think everyine enjoyed it. Look at my blog. I actually posted pics!

MaryAnn said...

Nikki, Chris said you can downloaad the pics from Thanksgiving by clicking on them. If that doesn't work, let me know.

Kate said...

Great job hosting Nikki! Looks like a wonderful time with family. And I think you are SO smart to get the precooked turkey! :)

Melissa C. said...

Looks like fun! I love the thankful tree!

Nicole said...

Your tree turned out cute! I didn't get to do that idea this year, but I'm keeping it in mind for next. Looks like you had an enjoyable day! Yeah!