Tuesday, January 29, 2008

One of the greatest movies of all time!

The other day Ben was picking out a video and he choose The Wizard of Oz. Since then they have watched it over and over. They love it! It really is a classic. They love singing the songs. A new generation of fans have been produced. How can you not love this movie it is so great! Besides Mary Poppins, it is my favorite kids movie. Can you believe Steve had never seen it before? What rock was he living under?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Steve and Ben

Steve's birthday was Mon. 1/14 and Ben's was Sat. 1/19. We had a family party last weekend and I made this cake. We're not really big birthday people. I know some people that have like a whole birthday week. It was pretty low key! Happy Birthday guys! He wanted Elmo and it was supposed to be red but it is very hard to make red frosting!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Cake Decorating

So I really enjoy cake decorating. I used to work at Albertson's and did work in the bakery a couple of times but no formal training. I'd love to take a class. I'm strictly an amatuer. Last year for Ben's birthday I made this cake. My friend Amy had this article on her blog and I couldn't believe my this link to check it out. Let me know what you think.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

It was bound to happen..............

So you know when you take your kids to the grocery store and they are too big to sit in the seat but too slow to walk by themselves so you let them stand in the cart? We all do it. How many people tell you "oh they should sit down, that is so dangerous, they could fall out and crack their head open" and my response is "Yeah, whatever, as long as they are being quite and I can get out of here as quick as possible without any major meltdowns, I'll take my chances"
Friday at Costco it finally happened. We had finished checking out when Ben says "I gotta go potty!" O.K. atleast we're not in the car and the bathroom is pretty close.
He finishes and I lift him up back in the cart that is parked up against the wall. He decides to sit on the edge and as I pull it out to go, he falls back and lands on his head! Ouch! I tried to grab him but you know how big those Costco carts are. The thud of his head hitting the concrete hurt my head. Luckily he did not crack his head open but he sure had a gnarly goose egg! An employee gave him an ice pack which was the best thing that could've happened because Ben loves ice packs, he is always playing with the one we have at home and he felt special because now he had his very own. He held it to his head for a minute and said "I'm all better now!"It is amazing how resilliant kids are.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Watch The Ellen Show today!

Hey everyone be sure to watch the Ellen show today and look for me! I went to a taping yesterday and danced right next to Ellen in the front row! It was a 2 hour wait but well worth it! My friend Renae had tickets and for those of you that know me well know I've always wanted to be on T.V. So I jumped at the chance to go and how awesome to see Mary J. Blige so close, she was amazing. The whole experience was very surreal it was so great! A big shout out to Ginger, Nicole, and Ruth Ann, for helping me out with the boys!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Back to the same old same old.........

Well the holidays are over. Jacob went back to school today and I'm a little depressed. I absolutly hate school. I hate the morning rush, making his lunch, feeding the other two, waking him up, hurrying him to eat, get dressed, brush his teeth and hair, don't forget your backpack! Now that it is cold I also have to dress the other two and one of them hates to wear clothes, warm up the car, buckle the other two into their seats all by 8:15! Lucky for me the school is only 2 minutes away! Atleast he walks home! Now I have homework to look forward to and all the fun that that entails. I must admit it has gotten much easier, not so much of a fight although it has been two weeks so it probably will be today! I enjoy having Jacob home, he is very good at entertaining himself. I miss his company during the day! I can't wait for Spring Break already!